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Armenian Visa

Visa-free Countries


Nationals of the listed countries are unilaterally exempt from the requirement to obtain a visa.


The nationals of these countries are exempt from a requirement to obtain a visa in accordance with Armenia’s international treaties.

Nationals of those countries can stay in Armenia for up to 180 days during each one-year period. Their passports must be valid during their entire stay in Armenia.


Visa Types


The following types of visa are available:

Visitor visa - A visitor visa is issued for the purposes of visiting relatives (friends), family reunification, tourism, medical treatment, business, investment or work, transportation services, studying at educational institutions of Armenia, participating in cultural, sports, scientific or other events, conferences as well as carrying out technical assistance, humanitarian, charitable or any financial short-term program or other professional duties. A visitor visa is issued for single or multiple entries with a validity period of up to one year.


Official visa – an official visa is issued to holders of Official Passports, in particular:

  • multiple-entry visas to non-diplomatic employees of foreign diplomatic missions or international organizations and their families with a validity period of up to 3 years;

  • single or multiple entry visa with a validity period of 1 year for foreign officials who arrive in Armenia on a business trip upon invitation of the Armenian authorities or foreign diplomatic missions or international organizations accredited in Armenia as well as for members of official delegations holding ordinary passports.


Diplomatic visa – diplomatic visa is issued to holders of diplomatic passports and to persons with diplomatic status, in particular:

  • multiple-entry visas to employees of foreign diplomatic missions or international organizations and their families with a validity period of up to 3 years,

  • single or multiple entry visa with a validity period of up to 1 year to members of official delegations, their families as well as other officials for making an official, state or working visit to Armenia,

  • single entry visa for those arriving in Armenia for non-official purposes with a validity period of up to 120 days.


Transit visa – single or multiple entry transit visas are issued to persons traveling by air or land transport across the territory of Armenia with a validity period of 1 year for a maximum of three-day-stay with the possibility of additional four-day extension.


What is the validity period of an Armenian visa?

Armenian entry visas are issued for a maximum of 120 days with the possibility of extension by up to 60 days unless provided otherwise by the law or international agreements of the Republic of Armenia.

If necessary, group visas can also be issued.


Which body issues an entry visa?

  • Official and Diplomatic visas, as well as e-visas, are issued and extended by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Armenia;

  • Visitor and Transit visas are issued and extended by the Passport and Visa Department of the Police of the Republic of Armenia.


Visa application procedure

  • upon arrival: Citizens from these countries can obtain Armenian entry visas upon arrival at the airport or at the borders with Iran or Georgia. It is also possible to get a visa by applying online:

  • upon invitation: Citizens from the listed countries must obtain a visa only at an Armenian embassy or consular office in foreign States before arriving in Armenia. Generally, an invitation letter is required to obtain a visa. They can not obtain an online visa or visa upon arrival.  However, ethnic Armenians from those countries are exempt from the invitation letter requirement and they can obtain an entry visa upon arrival.


Who can issue an invitation?


The following physical and legal entities are entitled to issue an invitation to visit Armenia:

  • Armenian citizens residing in Armenia,

  • Foreigners with Armenian residency status,

  • Legal entities incorporated in Armenia,

  • State and Local-self government bodies of Armenia as well as accredited diplomatic missions or international organizations or their representatives.


An invitation should contain information about the inviter, the invitee, the purpose of the invitation as well as the period of stay in Armenia.


What documents must be submitted for the approval of an invitation letter and how long does the process take?

Armenian Citizens or foreigners with Armenian residency should submit an invitation for approval by the Passport and Visa Department of the Police of Armenia by attaching:

  • passport or residency card accordingly,

  • receipt for the payment of the state fee in the amount of AMD 5000 (approx. 10 US dollar) per invitee.


Legal entities incorporated in Armenia should submit an invitation for approval by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Armenia by attaching:

  • the copy of the Certificate of Incorporation,

  • receipt for the payment of the state fee in the amount of AMD 5000 (approx 10 US dollar) per invitee.

The approval of an invitation (or application for extension of an entry visa) takes up to 15 days.


What documents should be submitted to obtain an entry visa at an Armenian embassy?

To obtain a visa at an Armenian embassy, the applicant will be required to submit:

  • valid passport,

  • filled visa application form,

  • passport-sized colored photograph,

  • state duty payment receipt.


Visa is issued at the discretion of the consular office and additional documents may be requested to review the purpose of the visit, availability of sufficient finances to cover living costs or other related expenditures while staying in Armenia (e.c. hotel reservation, bank account statement, etc.).  


State duties for obtaining an entry visa

State duty for obtaining entry visa varies depending on the type of visa and period of stay


                   VISA TYPE                                     AMD            USD


Single entry visa up to 21 days of stay                           3000                       7


Single entry visa up to 120 days of stay                        15000                     37

Multiple entry visa up to 60 days of                               20000                     50

stay with a validity period of up to 6 months


Multiple entry visa up to 120 days of stay                      40000                     99

with a validity period up to 1 year


Official and Diplomatic visa                                               0                          0

Transit single entry visa                                                 10000                     25

Transit multiple entry visa a validity                               18000                     45 

period of up to 1 year

Children under 18 years of age for all types visa               0                          0 

State duty for entry visas can also be paid in foreign currency at the entry points or at diplomatic representations of Armenia, based on the average yearly exchange rate set by the Central Bank of Armenia.


Arrival to Armenia

To enter the territory of Armenia, foreigners must have a valid passport, an entry visa or a document of residency status unless provided otherwise by Armenian laws or international agreements.

Minors (under the age of 18) may enter Armenia accompanied by their parents, one of the parents, or any other legal representative or an attendant or alone if they come to Armenia to visit their parents, one of the parents, another legal representative or a host organization.

If a foreigner arrives in Armenia without a passport or any valid identity document or visa or if their visa is denied at the entry point, they cannot enter the territory of the Republic of Armenia and must be returned to his country of origin or to the country he arrived from unless the aim of arrival is to apply for asylum or refugee status.


Departure from Armenia

Foreigners can leave Armenia with a valid passport and a document validating their prior stay in Armenia unless provided otherwise by the laws or international agreements of Armenia.

A foreigner is not allowed to leave Armenia if a sentence has been imposed on him the serving of which is only possible in the territory of Armenia or if a preventive measure is imposed unless permission to leave Armenia is granted by the investigating authority.  


Transiting through Armenia

Foreigners transiting through Armenia must present their tickets or entry visas to a third country and can stay in the territory of Armenia for a maximum of 72 hours except in cases of emergency.

Foreigners are allowed to stay at a transit zone without entering the territory of Armenia for up to 48 hours except in cases of emergency. 


When can a visa (extension) be denied, revoked or banned?

An entry visa is denied, revoked or banned if:

  1. the person has been deported from Armenia or his residency has been revoked within the last three years,

  2. the person has not performed administrative liabilities imposed on him, except when one year has passed after the imposition of the administrative liability,

  3. there is reliable information that he carries out activities, participates in, organizes or is a member of such an organization which:

  • poses danger to national security,

  • carries out terrorist activities,

  • carries illegal substances across the border,

  • carries out human trafficking and/or illegal border crossings.

  1. he suffers from an infectious disease which threatens the health of the population, except if the purpose of the visit is to receive treatment for the disease,

  2. while seeking an entry visa, the person has submitted false information about himself or has not submitted necessary documents, or information exists confirming that his entry into, or stays in Armenia has a different purpose from which was announced,

  3. there are other serious national security or public safety concerns.


In cases described in paragraphs (1) and (2) of this clause, an entry visa may still be issued in exceptional circumstances and based on solid justification.


Visa Search Tool

Using this search tool you can check whether or not you need a visa to travel to Armenia.


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