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Licensing of construction companies in Armenia

When is licensing required?

As a general rule, companies must have a construction license to carry out construction works. Licensing is also required for companies that carry out preparation of design drawings (with the exception of structural design drawings), examination of construction documents, inspection of construction works, architectural inspection, technical inspection of buildings and structures.

However, certain types of works can be performed without a license. Further, foreign legal persons can carry out construction works by the decision of the government of Armenia if they have a license in their home country.

What types of construction works do not require licensing?

The following types of construction works can be performed without a license:

  • Works which do not require a construction permit (list of renovation and interior design works which do not require licensing, Appendix 4) 

  • Construction of personal houses that have a maximum of one underground and two above-ground floors and measure a maximum of 300 m2 in total space

  • Houses that are built on the basis of approved standard design documents

  • Adjacent constructions measuring up to 150 m2 in total space

  • Garages measuring up to 50 m2 in total space

  • Greenhouses measuring up to 1000 m2 in total space

  • Auxiliary agricultural buildings measuring up to 500 m2 in total space

  • Auxiliary public buildings measuring up to 100 m2 in total space


What government body issues construction licenses?

Construction licenses are issued by the State Committee of Urban Development.

What is the term of the license?

Construction licenses are normally issued for an indefinite term.

What type of construction works does a license allow to do?

Construction licenses are issued with one or more specialized appendixes which cover the following areas of construction:

  • housing, public or production facilities

  • transport (roads, bridges, tunnels)

  • hydraulic facilities

  • energy infrastructure

  • communication infrastructure


The appendix is issued in the name of the specialist responsible for the specific type of construction works. The applicant must demonstrate that it employs at least one qualified specialist in the respective area.

What documents need to be submitted when applying?

The following documents must be submitted:

  • Application form

  • Information about at least one specialist (at least 2 for the energy sector) in one of the above-mentioned areas (including copies of his diploma and passport)

  • The list of works previously completed by the specialist

  • Receipt of the payment of state duty

Application can also be submitted online (


How can the special qualification of a specialist be proven?

Qualification in one of the above-mentioned areas can be proven by:

  • Bachelor’s diploma and proof of 5 years of uninterrupted work experience in the given field

  • Master’s diploma and proof of 3 years of uninterrupted work experience in the given field


How much is the state duty and when is it paid?


The state duty is AMD 80 000 per year for each area of construction. It is due within 5 days after the applicant receives the decision to issue a license.

How long does the process take?

The license is issued within 23 days after all of the required documents have been submitted. This deadline can be extended by 5 days for the payment of state duty.


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